The true story of William Adams (Miura Anjin) also had a profound impact on my life and my original interest in studying Japanese history. Although I have not yet seen the recently released television drama, James Clavell's novel Shogun is one of my favorite books. Now that I live near Beppu and am an avid sailor, I plan to investigate where Adams landed just north of Usuki on the island of Kuroshima.

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Clavell's novel had a big impact on me as well. The new "Shogun" is worth seeing. I think you would be impressed by the historical fidelity and the great story of course. That's quite a move you made to leave Tokyo for Beppu. Happy sailing! (But watch out for all of the typhoons this year!)

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Love the idea of hyper-impermanence . . . something we're all wrangling with every day!

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Many thanks for the comment, Suzanne.

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Jul 30Liked by Mike Birt

Wonderful piece M&M! Encouraging me to get on with my creative endeavors.

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Thanks so much, David. We're hoping you will do exactly that, take creative action. Can't wait to see what you will do. M + M

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Jul 30Liked by Mike Birt

“…instead of reporting for incarceration at the UW Law School…” 😂

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Do you remember the old Condon Hall at the UW? Looked just like a prison.

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